Sunday, March 28, 2010


In the past week, the name calling has begun on the Progressive Liberal left. If you didn't agree with them ramming health care down our throats, you are seen as "unpatriotic," "a fool," "ignorant," and my favorite "a terrorist." Seriously, a terrorist? Even the Majority Whip of the House of Representatives (Jim Clyburn, SC) has said so in a recent interview on MSNBC Wednesday, March 24.

The last time I looked, I am not a "terrorist" because I speak against my government. It's called my First Amendment right. I am not inciting fear and using violence to obtain a goal. I believe it was in 2003 when then Senator Hillary Clinton was openly telling Americans to speak out against the government and the decisions President George W. Bush's administration had done. It was your "patriotic duty" to do so. Hello, why is it now that is "unpatriotic" for me to speak against the actions of this Congress or even President? You can't have it both ways.

Yet, I am alarmed by the increasing number of those in Congress who have claimed to have receive death threats over the past week. I am begging and urging my fellow Americans to not to stoop to their level. The Progressives want you to become violent. That fuels their cause and allows for the government to take away more of our rights. DO NOT BECOME VIOLENT! There are other means to have your voice heard, but threatening violence or committing an act of violence is not acceptable. Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. both led revolutions with not violence but with PEACE. It doesn't mean waving the white flag of surrender but do not use violence to fight. The first and most important step is simple, but sometimes the hardest: pray. Yes, pray for our government leaders and our nation. Pray for forgiveness. Pray for direction. Pray for wisdom and guidance. Just pray.

Glenn Beck had a wonderful monologue on his radio show, Wednesday, March 24, that I encourage to either take the time and read the transcript or listen to the audio. Click here for Glenn Beck's Monologue

Mahatma Gandhi once said, "an eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind."

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